Certification in progress


    Certification in progress


    Agency: Florida Department of Health

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Stephen Arms

    Telephone: 904/791-1502

    E-mail: steve_arms@doh.state.fl.us

    URL: http://www.doh.state.fl.us/lab/EnvLabCert/WaterCert.htm

    Fields of Accreditation: download (Excel) Accrediting to 2003 NELAC Standard as of February 2013, but not penalizing labs that choose to implement the 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard

    Complaints: The departmental internet home page (http://www.doh.state.fl.us/) "Contact Us" link connects the user to forms for complaints and other types of feedback or these may be submitted on evaluation forms or by email. Complaints received about the certification program are routed to the Program Administrator.


    Certification in progress


    Agency: Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Scott Siders

    Telephone: 217/785-5163

    E-mail: Scott.Siders@illinois.gov

    URL: www.epa.state.il.us/labs/index.html

    Fields of Accreditation: download (Excel)

    Accrediting to 2003 NELAC Standard as of February 2013


    Agency: Kansas Department of Health & Environment

    NELAP Representative: Mr. N. Myron Gunsalus, Jr.

    Telephone: 785/291-3162

    E-mail: ngunsalus@kdheks.gov

    URL: www.kdhe.state.ks.us/envlab/index.html

    Fields of Accreditation: download (Excel)

    Accrediting to 2003 NELAC Standard as of February 2013, but allows 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard where it is more stringent than 2003 NELAC


    Agency: Louisiana Department of Health & Hospitals

    NELAP Representative: Ms. Donnell Ward

    Telephone: 504/219-4662

    E-mail: donnell.ward@la.gov

    URL: http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/index.cfm/page/490

    Fields of Accreditation: download (Excel)

    Accrediting to 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard Complaints: Submit to Donnell Ward, donnell.ward@la.gov, 504-219-4667 or the LA DHH Laboratory Services Director, Stephen Martin, PhD, stephen.martin@la.gov, (504) 219-4664

    Agency: Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Paul Bergeron

    Telephone: 225/219-3247

    E-mail: Paul.Bergeron@LA.GOV

    URL: http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/portal/DIVISIONS/PublicParticipationandPermitSupport/LouisianaLaboratoryAccreditationProgram.aspx

    Accrediting to 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard

    Complaints: http://www.deq.louisiana.gov/portal/ONLINESERVICES/OmbudsmanComplaintForm.aspx


    Agency:Minnesota Department of Health

    NELAP Representative:Ms. Lynn Boysen


    E-mail: lynn.boysen@state.mn.us

    URL: http://www.health.state.mn.us/accreditation

    Fields of Accreditation: download (Excel)

    Laboratory accreditation certificates indicate 2003 NELAC Standard. Allows 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard where more stringent Complaints: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/phl/accreditation/complaint_form.cfm Also see MN ELAP's Feedback and Improvement Survey at https://survey.vovici.com/se.ashx?s=56206EE302F0B968


    Certification in progress


    Agency: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Bill Hall

    Telephone: 603/271-2998

    E-mail: george.hall@des.nh.gov

    URL: http://des.nh.gov/organization/divisions/water/dwgb/nhelap/index.htm

    Moving towards the 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard and encouraging labs to implement that standard


    Agency: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Joseph Aiello

    Telephone: 609/292-3950

    E-mail: Joseph.Aiello@dep.state.nj.us

    URL: http://www.nj.gov/dep/oqa/

    Regulations cite 2003 NELAC Standard. As of February 2013, assessing to both 2003 NELAC and 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard, and providing findings for both standards


    Agency: New York State Department of Health

    NELAP Representative: Michael Ryan, PhD

    Telephone: 518/485-5570

    E-mail: michael.ryan@health.ny.gov

    URL: www.wadsworth.org/labcert/elap/elap.html

    Accrediting to 2003 NELAC Standard as of February 2013, but encouraging labs to implement the 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard Complaints: submit to elap@health.state.ny.us or for confidential complaints, http://www.wadsworth.org/labcert/regaffairs/contactus.htm


    Agency: ND Department of Health

    David Stradinger

    Environmental Scientist

    Radiation Control Program

    918 East Divide Ave, 2nd floor Bismarck, ND 58501-1947 Ph:701-328-5188 Fax:701-328-5185 dstradinger@nd.gov

  • OHIO

    Agency: Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Protection

    Primary Contact: Chuck McCracken

    Telephone: 614-466-5136

    e-mail: chuck.mccracken@odh.ohio.gov


    Agency: Oregon Public Health Division

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Gary Ward, ORELAP Administrator

    Telephone: 503/693-4122

    E-mail: Gary.K.Ward@state.or.us

    URL: www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/orelap/index.shtml

    Accrediting to 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard


    Agency: Department of Environmental Protection

    NELAP Representative: Ms. Aaren Alger

    Telephone: 717/346-8212

    E-mail: aaalger@pa.gov

    URL: www.depweb.state.pa.us/labs

    Accrediting to 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard Complaints: http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/about_dep/13464 For information about PA DEP official appeals process, visit http://ehb.courtapps.com/public/index.php


    Agency: SD DENR

    Telephone: 605-773-3153

    Waste Management Program Joe Foss Building, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD, 57501-3182, United States Vonni.Kallemeyn@state.sd.us


    Agency: Commission on Environmental Quality

    NELAP Representative: Mr. Ken Lancaster

    Telephone: 512/239-1990

    E-mail: ken.lancaster@tceq.texas.gov

    URL: http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/compliance/compliance_support/qa/env_lab_accreditation.html

    Accrediting to 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard Complaints: Submit to labprgms@tceq.texas.gov

  • UTAH

    Agency: Department of Health

    NELAP Representative: Ms. Kristin Brown

    Telephone: 801/965-2540

    E-mail: kristinbrown@utah.gov

    URL: http://www.health.utah.gov/lab/labimp/

    Accrediting to 2009 TNI Environmental Laboratory Sector Standard Complaints: The complaint process can start with the assessor and goes up the chain-of-command with the potential of being heard as part of adjudicative proceedings.


    Agency: Department of General Services

    NELAP Representative: Ms. Cathy Westerman

    Telephone: 804/648-4480

    E-mail: cathy.westerman@dgs.virginia.gov

    URL: http://www.dgs.virginia.gov/dcls

    Accrediting to 2003 NELAC Standard as of February 2013 Complaints: Submit complaints to Lab_Cert@dgs.virginia.gov or Cathy.Westerman@dgs.virginia.gov


    Agency: WVDEP-DWWM

    Primary Contact: Tommy W. Smith, II, QA Officer

    601 57th St. SE Charleston, WV 25304 304-926-0499 Ext. 1601 Tommy.W.Smith@wv.gov